Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions: Investment Advice
Park Avenue Consulting [ABN 80 130 593 244], has made every effort to ensure the reliability of information contained on the Website. The information on the Website is provided to you "as is" by Park Avenue in good faith and has been derived from sources believed by Park Avenue to be reliable and accurate at the time of providing it.

Park Avenue Consulting provides the material on this web site for informational/educational purposes. Investments and investing strategies are personal, conditional on many factors. No mention of a particular security on this site constitutes a recommendation to readers to buy, sell or hold that security. No discussion or evaluation of any particular investing strategy on this site constitutes a recommendation to readers to employ the strategy. Readers are responsible for their own investment research and decisions.

Financial markets analysis and investing are complicated. While we try to find reliable sources and avoid mistakes, Park Avenue Consulting does not guarantee the value, accuracy or completeness of the information on this web site or sites to which it links. We strive to correct errors and omissions as discovered.


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JBL Risk Management – Money Risk Management Share Trading Software

Money Risk Management Share Trading Software

Disclaimer: As the user of this Program and the Money Risk Management Rules indicated you do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to forever hold Joseph Barrington-Lew, and any company he may be involved with, harmless from any liability, claims and demands of any nature whatsoever, for injury, damages, (including but not limited to financial losses), and expenses, of any nature whatsoever, whether such claim or claims are based upon negligence, breach of guarantee or warranty, strict liability, contract, breach of fiduciary duty, or otherwise, which may be incurred by the user as of the use of or reliance upon this information.

The information and material contained herein is not a substitute for the obtaining of advice from a licensed adviser or dealer in securities and is not suitable to be acted upon as investment advice nor is it intended to encourage or induce persons to enter into securities transactions or particular securities transactions otherwise than as aforesaid. Before making any decision on the basis of this information, you need to consider with or without the assistance of an investment adviser whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the user. You are also prohibited, in the absence of express written permission from Park Avenue Consulting, from "mirroring" or duplicating by any medium any material contained within JBL Risk Manager. (c)